Signature PNG Maker from Picture
Cut signatures out of pictures and save it in PNG format
Or drag and drop it here
How to Create a Signature in PNG?
Upload Your Signature Imagee
Upload your signature image to AnyEraser transparent signature maker. A signature-centered image in JPG/PNG format is favorable for a better result.
View more tips >
Remove Background from Image
The AI tool detects the signature from image and then deletes its background exactly within seconds.
Save Signature As PNG
To get the best results, here are some tips for creating a good signature image. You can crop the image to remove unnecessary space around the signature or sign your name on a plain background.
More Tips for Favorable Signature Images
To get the best results, here are some tips for creating a good signature image. You can crop the image to remove unnecessary space around the signature or sign your name on a plain background.
· Crop your signature image
· Make sure your signature is easy to recognize
Best practice: A high-resolution image with only the signature centered.
Avoid blurry signatures
Avoid poor lightning and low contrast between the signature and its background.
· Sign your signature on plain paper
Best practice: Sign on a clean background
Avoid signing over lines
Avoid signing over stamps
How AnyEraser Signature PNG Maker Works?
To tell first, we don't support generating a digital siganature. The service we offer is the background remover, which allows you to extract signature from the image where your handwritten signature is already on. As the e-signature is widely-used on e-documents, we developed this online signature PNG maker to help you cut the authored signature out of images, screenshots, etc.
Easily Cut Signature out of PNG Image
With the popularization of paperless office, electronic documents have been in a wide application. And the digital signature in the document is inevitably needed. To make the digital signature look more realistic on the e-documents, you'd better prepare a handwritten one on the paper. Then, take a picture of it and use our signature PNG maker to cut the signature out of the photo. After that, you can use this transparent signature as you like.
Deal Well with the Fine Edges of the Signature
A realistic signature with smooth edges, intact outline, and clear look increase your authority and credibility. However, the fine edge of a signature is challenging for many signature extractors. AnyEraser comes to eliminate your worries. Its intelligent algorithm can fully recognize the signature and precisely separate the signature from the background, ensuring you a perfect PNG signature cutout.
Download PNG Signature Without Blur
As we mentioned above, it is better to have a clear signature on the document. In other words, the signature you attach to the file should not be too vague. With our signature PNG maker, you will get a high-definition lossless rendering after the image background is removed. You can successfully create a transparent signature PNG without quality loss.
More Signature Extractors for Specific Occasions
- Signature PNG
- Extract Signature from PDF
- Extract Handwritten Signature
- Extract Scanned Signature
- Transparent E-Signature
- Extract ID Signature
- Extract Signature from Document
- Signature Background Remover
- Handwritten Signature Generator
Can I use the final transparent signature directly?
Yes. Our PNG maker will help you remove background from the signature picture while keeping the original quality. And then, you can click the Download button to get the signature PNG file. The final file displays only an intact signature and transparent background. So you can directly paste the transparent signature to documents that you will use.
How to get a transparent signature PNG?
1. Go to our signature PNG maker, and upload a signature picture.
2. The online PNG maker intelligently detects the signature and cut it out.
3. After the signature picture turns out with a transparent background, you can click on Download to get its PNG file.
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Last updated: 2025-01-04