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Image Advice for Better Results
Crop the image to make your signature
the only focus
Remove excess space
Upload signature only

Handwritten Signature to PNG

Turn your handwritten signature into a digital signature with transparent background

Or drag and drop it here

Handwritten signature
Extract handwritten signature

How to Remove Background from Handwritten Signature?

  • Take photo of your autograph

    Step 1. Take a Photo of Your Autograph

    Begin by writing your signature clearly on a plain piece of paper. Once you have a satisfactory signature, take a high-quality photo of it. Hold the camera steady and ensure the signature is well-lit and in the center of the frame.

  • Upload signature image

    Step 2. Upload Your Handwritten Signature Image

    Next, upload the photo or scanned image of your handwritten signature to AnyEraser signature PNG maker. Ensure the image is clear and not blurry for the best outcome.

  • Remove background from image

    Step 3. Extract Signature from Image

    Once your image is uploaded, AnyEraser signature extractor will automatically detect and remove the background from your handwritten signature.

  • Download transparent signature

    Step 4. Download Transparent Signature

    Click the Download button to export the handwritten signature to PNG file. Then you can electronically sign documents with this transparent signature without any background interference.

How to Make a Clean Handwritten Signature?

To create a clean handwritten signature for digital use, you should first write a signature, and then scan or take a photo of your handwritten signature. Valuable tips are shown below:

Don't Sign Your Signature over Lines

Write your signature on a plain white piece of paper. Avoid writing over lines, grids, or any other marks that could interfere with the clarity of your signature. Writing on a clean surface ensures that your signature will be clear and free from background interference, reducing the need for further manual editing.

Signature over lines
Signature over grid
Handwritten signature

Make Your Signature the Only Center

When scanning or taking a photo of your handwritten signature, ensure that the camera is focused directly on the signature. AnyEraser, a background remover tool, will then accurately recognize and isolate the signature. If the image contains multiple objects, the tool might mistakenly identify the paper as the main subject instead of the signature itself. This can affect the quality of the final transparent signature.

Take a photo of your handwritten signature

Crop your photo and ensure that there are no other objects in the photo

Screenshot the signature

Crop the handwritten signature from the document with full text

More Signature Extractors for Specific Occasions

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Last updated: 2025-01-04

 > Signature from Picture > Extract Handwritten Signature